Please help us to help them
Make a donation today
Firstly thank you for making it to our donations page.
We would love you to sign up for our 1 euro a month donation program. By donating just 1 euro a month, it allows us to build towards a steady income stream so that we can continue to provide food and medical assistance to the street cats of Bol & Dubrovnik.
We have signed up with Teaming, a non profit organisation that allows you to donate 1 Euro each month with no fees attached. Click on Teaming, to find out more about the platform.
To donate, please click the button below and you will go to our page on the Teaming website. You need to sign up to our Teaming Group before you can donate, the process takes about 2 minutes. Note - even though it shows as Europe Only, it still works if you are donating from the U.K. Just select pay by card and enter your details, you will then be debited about 90p each month (at current rates).
If you would rather just make a one off donation, then that would also be brilliant, please use the form to the right. Below is an idea of what your donation would cover. We are eternally grateful.
Euro 15 - One meal of wet & dry food for all the street cats
Euro 30 - A day of food. We feed the colonies in the morning and the evening, so your donation has kept them fed for a day :)
Euro 50 - Fuel and ferry tickets to take a car, one driver and as many cats as we can catch to the vets on the mainland.
Euro 100 - Sterilisation, blood tests and follow up medication for two cats.
Euro 250 - A surgical procedure (other than steralization), plus a few days monitoring at the vets.
Euro 600 - Food for a month. We can bulk buy and get better deals on large quantities of food for the cats.
Our heartfelt thanks to all of our supporters, especially -
The Byron Dubrovnik - The Byron has been a key financial supporter of Nellys Trust since we started in 2020. Without their unwavering support both financially and emotionally, we wouldn't still be doing this today. If you are planning a trip to Dubrovnik, then drop them a note via their website, they love looking after people, even if you don’t have a cat.
Općina Bol - Whilst animal welfare in Croatia is someway behind that of other Northern European countries, the local council in Bol has been fantastic in providing budget to support steralizations and allowing feeding stations to be set up for the larger cat colonies. We hope that other councils in Croatia will follow their example.
The Handsome Sam Pub If you are in Canterbury in the U.K. and need some refreshment, then pop in and say hello. The Handsome Sam and patrons have been brilliant in supporting our work in Bol.