Ear Markings
You may have noticed that most if not all of the street cats in Bol have marked ears. This isn’t as a result of fighting, but is actually made by the vet once the cat has been sterilised.
There are two types of ear cut. The vet in Supetar tends to cut off the tip of the ear entirely, whereas the vet in Split makes a ‘V’ type cut to the side of the ear.
However, just because the cats ear hasn’t been snipped, doesn’t mean they haven’t been sterilised as some owners prefer not to mark the ear.
Biscuit lives with her two sisters (Lucy and the aptly named Buscuit’s Sister) and their 5 kittens to the east of Bol. The ‘V’ ear marking shows she has been to the vet in Split
Ginger belongs to our neighbour but spends a lot of his time with us. He was taken to the vet in Supetar on Brac and has had the top of his left ear snipped.